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Charles Bentley
(Abt 1786-1862)
Mary Barraclough
Joseph Demaine
Elizabeth Burland
Charles Bentley
Sarah Demaine
(1812-Bef 1861)
Charles Henry T. Bentley


Family Links

Martha Baldwin

Charles Henry T. Bentley

  • Born: Jun 1848, Bradford, Yorkshire, England
  • Marriage: Martha Baldwin in Dec 1874 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England
  • Died: 28 Feb 1919, Bradford, Yorkshire, England at age 70

bullet  General Notes:

Martha married her cousing Charles Bentley who had a dye works. They lived in a delightful house which I visited several times. It was Elm Tree Cottage at Horton Bank Top and was delightful. They had a tennis court which my mother's cousin cut herself during the last war so that it wouldn't be dug up and they were next to the reservoir and golf course. There were five girls and two boys and it was Mabel who went to live near Vancouver about 1930*. Two of the girls and the two sons didn't marry.
From letter written by Harriet Pick (Bancroft 1in 1977).
1891 Census showed they moved from Bradford to Halifax around 1876 and back to Bradford around 1883. His occupation was "Foreman stuff dyer".
1891 Census showing family at Elm cottage, Great Horton, Bradford was foreman stuff stuff dyer, age 43
1901 census showed son Charles D as an apprentice dyer and the two older girls Sarah and Lily had left home.
Birth info vol page
Bentley Charles Henry Bradford Y XXIII 137
From Will Index of England and Wales
Charles Henry Bentley of Elm Tree cottage, Hollingwood lane, Great Horton died 28 Feb 1919. Probate Wakefield to Martha Bentley and Walter Senior Sansfield dyer. Effects £17,365 19s 2d
FreeBMD has birth entry #23137
Charles Henry T? but took off ? 1/31/09
1/24/09 PHJ provided following info on Elm Cottage:
Martha Baldwin and Charlie Bentley had Elm Cottage built when they got married in 1874
The tennis court was later sold to Clayton Golf Club
It was accessed via a path from Hollingwood Lane, Bradford (Tanner Hill)
APHJ and his family visited in the 1950s and found documents blowing around the garden. (On a previous visit met Ethel and her dog).
* Note from Phil HJ said Mabel left for Vancouver after her mother died, (1936). Also Charles worked at BDA (Bradford Dyers Association)

bullet  Research Notes:

Sue Bentley sent copy of the 1891 census, to confirm children. (See email file on W98)
12/03/09 Added birth qtr from FreeBMD of Charles Henry. FreeBMD has death Mar 1919 aged 71


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• 1851 Census Bradford Bentley: Charles H. Bentley son aged 3 born Bradford Yorkshire, 30 Mar 1851, 58 Kirkgate, Bradford, Yorks, England. 477

• 1861 Census Bradford Bentley Charles 1822: Charles Heny Bentley son aged 13 scholar born Bradford Yorkshire, 7 Apr 1861, Farm House, Hunder Hill, Horton, Bradford. 478

• 1871 Census Bentley Charles Henry: Charles Henry Bentley Head aged 23, Unmar Worsted stuff dyer born Bradford, 2 Apr 1871, 1 Under the Hill, Great Horton, Bradford, Yorks. 479

• 1881 Census Bentley Charles Henry: Charles H. Bentley Head married aged 33, Worsted Piece dyer born Bradford, 3 Apr 1881, Brackenbed 91, Ovenden Halifax. 480

• 1891 Census Bradford Bentley Charles: Charles H. T. Bentley aged 43, Foreman Staff Dyer born Bradford, 5 Apr 1891, Elm Cottage, Hollingwood Lane, Great Horton, Bradford. 481

• 1901 Census Bradford Bentley: Charles H. T. Bentley aged 53, Foreman Staff Dyer born Bradford, 31 Mar 1901, Elm Cottage, Hollingwood Lane, Great Horton, Bradford. 482

• 1911 Census Bradford Bentley: Charles Henry Bentley aged 63, Retired Foreman Rice dyer born Bradford, 2 Apr 1911, Elm Cottage, Hollingwood Lane, Great Horton, Bradford. 476 Married for 36 years


Charles married Martha Baldwin, daughter of Hugh Baldwin and Ann Bentley, in Dec 1874 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England. (Martha Baldwin was born in Dec 1853 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England and died on 17 Jul 1936 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Sue Ryland found entry. Mother also mentioned this. See her letter.

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